About the theme
The theme of efficient management is becoming increasingly essential within water supply system operators in Brazil. The New Sanitation Framework places operational efficiency, through efficient management, among the priorities of companies working in sanitation in its various aspects.
Thus, the pursuit of best management practices, supported by the newest technologies, equipment and innovation, is indispensable, not only for cost reduction but also for improving service to residential, commercial and industrial consumers, bringing positive impacts to the environment by reducing water extraction and preserving our water resources.
In this scenario, companies, professionals and the academic community are building the necessary means to obtain results: information, essential for assessing the current situation and results, is increasingly reliable and used for policy formulation and planning; digital transformation is also a reality, improving the operational aspects of organizations and supporting the pursuit of efficiency; the development of communication networks allows the flow of information and leverages the use of artificial intelligence in system operation.
We must also emphasize the importance of technical, commercial and operational database management, as it is essential for operators to have security and clarity about how water supply systems are operating.
The theme of operational efficiency, addressed at Brazil Water Week 2022, remains relevant because little progress has been made during this period, and the goals must be achieved by 2034. Therefore, revisiting this theme is essential for the 2024 event to contribute with new knowledge that can accelerate the efficiency of current systems.

Luiz Roberto Gravina Pladevall
Managing Partner of CPS Engenharia e Soluções and President of ABES-SP (State of São Paulo)

Marcelo Depexe
Advisor to the Operations Board of Sanepar and ABES Loss Management and Energy Efficiency Chamber coordinator