General coordination

Marisa Guimarães
ABES Regulation and Tariffs Thematic Chamber coordinator

Deputy Coordinator:
Juliana Almeida Dutra
Project director at Deep and ABES Service Provision Thematic Chamber coordinator
Coordination of themes
Theme 1 – Social inclusion and universal access

Juliana Almeida Dutra
Project director at Deep and ABES Service Provision Thematic Chamber coordinator

Marina Rodrigues
Sustainability coordinator at Aegea Saneamento and coordinator of the UN Global Compact's Water and Ocean Action Platform in Brazil
Theme 2 – Sewage Treatment: Sustainable WWTPs

Nivaldo Rodrigues da Costa Junior
Operational Development superintendent at Sabesp

Gustavo Rafael Collere Posseti
Research and Innovation manager at Sanepar ABES Sewage Treatment Thematic Chamber coordinator
Theme 3 – Circular Economy and Nature-Based Solutions

Josivan Cardoso
Manager of the Regional Engineering and Agronomy Council of Rio de Janeiro (CREA-RJ)

Sérgio Ayrimoraes
ANA Regulation specialist and co-founder of the Water Reuse Institute – Brazil
Theme 4 – Regulation

Luiz Antonio de Oliveira Junior
Superintendent of Economic-Financial and Accounting Inspection at Arsesp

Marisa Guimarães
ABES Regulation and Tariffs Thematic Chamber coordinator
Theme 5 – Efficient management

Luiz Roberto Gravina Pladevall
Managing Partner of CPS Engenharia e Soluções and President of ABES-SP (State of São Paulo)

Marcelo Depexe
Advisor to the Operations Board of Sanepar and ABES Loss Management and Energy Efficiency Chamber coordinator
Theme 6 – International cooperation

Alceu Guerios Bittencourt
Technical Chamber of Water Resources at ABES-SP (State of São Paulo) coordinator and Director at Cobrape

Marcel Costa Sanches
ABES secretary general and Superintendent of Regulatory Affairs at Sabesp
Theme 7 – Financing of the sanitation sector

Luis Eduardo Grisotto
Coordenador da Câmara Técnica de Recursos Hídricos da ABES-SP e Diretor da Cobrape

Nelson Campos Lima
Director of Engineering and Works at DAEE - São Paulo
Theme 8 – Environment, climate change and water security

Mônica Porto
Full Professor at the USP Polytechnic School

Rafael Volquind
ABES Environmental Thematic Chamber coordinator