

Opening ceremony


BWW Connection


Session 2.1 - Transforming sustainability: new frontiers in expanding and optimizing wastewater treatment

Theme 2 – Sewage Treatment – Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Plants

Os desafios para a efetiva universalização dos serviços de saneamento em áreas de baixa renda sob o olhar do ODS 6 e do Marco Regulatório de Saneamento


The aim of this session is to shed light on a highly strategic subject for companies operating in the sanitation sector, whether national or international, which is the treatment of sewage. We will bring distinct approaches that will encompass the dissemination of knowledge, focusing on the process of optimization, retrofit and expansion of treatment plants, facing the challenge of Universalization of sanitation services. This Universalization will be enhanced if associated with the concepts of Circular Economy, bringing the transformation of waste from the treatment process into resources that will return to society, making it increasingly sustainable regarding the use of natural resources. This strategy can be fundamental to guarantee the sustainability and efficiency of processes, both in optimizing the use of materials and the return to the environment. We will have in this session a more detailed approach to the entire treatment process, with recognized methodologies, such as process auditing, where each treatment stage is deeply evaluated, seeking significant reductions, both in CAPEX and OPEX, and enhancing the results obtained, both in the quality of the final effluent and for the by-products to be used in the Circular Economy. The intensification/optimization of processes will allow doing more with less, thus achieving a pillar of the Circular Economy, which is the reduction of the use of unnecessary resources, also reducing the need for capital investment and operating and maintenance costs.

  • Alexandre Bianchini, Presidente da Águas do Rio
  • Jean-Martin Brault, Especialista Sênior em Saneamento do Banco Mundial
  • Marcello Xavier Veiga, Superintendente de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento da Diretoria Metropolitana da Sabesp

Coordenador e moderador: Ernani Ciriaco de Miranda, coordenador de Água e Esgoto da Superintendência de Regulação em Serviços da ANA – Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico

Facilitadora: Keyla Nunes da Silva – Analista de Infraestrutura da Coordenação-Geral de Projetos de Água e Esgoto da Secretaria Nacional de Saneamento – SNS/MDR


BWW Connection


Session 4.1 - Social Regulation: The Role of Regulatory Agencies

Theme 4 – Regulation


In this session, we will explore the complex challenges faced in the social regulation of water and sanitation services, with a specific focus on equitable access in rural and informal areas. While access to basic sanitation (potable water and sewage) is recognized as a fundamental human right, the reality in many parts of the world is marked by significant disparities. According to various global indicators, access to water is unequal between urban centers and rural or low-income regions within urban areas.


Meeting the goal of universal access to water and sanitation services in Brazil by 2033, according to the Basic Sanitation Regulatory Framework, the importance of the role of regulatory agencies in achieving full universalization, leaving no one behind, is recognized. This session will aim to present and discuss the responsibility and challenges that Regulatory Agencies face in various regions of the world to overcome barriers hindering universal access, so that their actions contribute to the effective universalization of water supply and sanitation services, with special emphasis on rural areas, informal settlements and low-income communities.


Speakers will present innovative solutions and best practices aimed at overcoming challenges and promoting social inclusion and sustainable development. Additionally, collaborative strategies involving governments, civil society organizations, the private sector and local communities will be discussed to ensure that everyone has access to basic water and sanitation services. This session aims to contribute to a general reflection on the challenges of universalizing basic sanitation services.


BWW Connection


Session 3.1 - Advancements in water reuse: technologies and policies for sustainable water management

Theme 3 – Circular Economy and Nature-Based Solutions


This title on water reuse will be addressed as an important alternative both for the final disposal of treated sewage effluents and for the diversity of the water matrix, especially in regions of scarcity. Thus, there will be a discussion on the context of water resources and sanitation management, aiming at reuse practices seen as a solution, especially in two situations: in areas suffering from water scarcity due to climatic conditions, such as the Semi-Arid region; and in regions where their bodies of water have difficulty in maintaining water quality requirements when receiving effluents, even if treated. It will also seek to draw reflections on international experiences, in the search for regulatory understanding since in Brazil, in general, it is incipient and without the definition of water quality standards. This scenario, together with the lack of knowledge and engagement, prevents more promising advances.


Session 1.1 - Unified solution: redefining the vision of connections to regular sewage and sanitation networks in vulnerable areas

Theme 1 – Social inclusion and universal access

Os desafios para a efetiva universalização dos serviços de saneamento em áreas de baixa renda sob o olhar do ODS 6 e do Marco Regulatório de Saneamento


This title proposes a cohesive and comprehensive approach to overcoming sanitation challenges in vulnerable communities, focusing on solutions that unite technical knowledge, innovation, financial aspects and community engagement. “Unified Solution” emphasizes an integrated and holistic strategy that aims not only to implement effective sanitation infrastructure but also to promote sustainable changes that redefine the quality of life in the most vulnerable areas. By opting for “Redefining,” a new perspective on sanitation is suggested, going beyond conventional solutions to positively impact the social and environmental fabric of these communities.

  • Alexandre Bianchini, Presidente da Águas do Rio
  • Jean-Martin Brault, Especialista Sênior em Saneamento do Banco Mundial
  • Marcello Xavier Veiga, Superintendente de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento da Diretoria Metropolitana da Sabesp

Coordenador e moderador: Ernani Ciriaco de Miranda, coordenador de Água e Esgoto da Superintendência de Regulação em Serviços da ANA – Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico

Facilitadora: Keyla Nunes da Silva – Analista de Infraestrutura da Coordenação-Geral de Projetos de Água e Esgoto da Secretaria Nacional de Saneamento – SNS/MDR


BWW Connection


Session 5.1 - Technologies applied to loss reduction management

Theme 5 – Efficient management


This session presents new technologies for identifying leaks, with the aim of increasing productivity and assertiveness in locating, thus reducing the average duration of non-visible leaks. In recent decades, the most used method is acoustic, which has technical limitations, in addition to requiring a lot of time to inspect 100% of the distribution network. Another important point is the analysis of the pipelines, an essential part of the supply systems which require monitoring and inspection, in order to guarantee their integrity throughout their useful life.


BWW Connection


Session 6.1 - International Cooperation and Technical Assistance in the Water Sector

Theme 6 – International cooperation


International cooperation and technical assistance in the water sector increasingly demonstrate the growing importance of greater access and exchanges between developing countries, beyond the traditional flow of assistance from developed countries. There is great potential for exchanges within Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as between this subcontinent and Africa and Asia. Also, in the relationship between developing and developed countries, what is practiced in the former is growing in importance because they are where the frontier of new technologies expands the most, as these are where the major challenges lie. The session will discuss concepts and experiences of cooperation and technical assistance, highlighting the perspectives of multilateral agencies and developing countries.


BWW Connection


Session 7.1 - The Challenge of Sanitation Universalization from the Investment Perspective: Leveraging Resources to Achieve the Goals of the New Legal Framework

Theme 7 – Financing of the sanitation sector


This panel highlights the various challenges in achieving sanitation universalization from the perspective of mechanisms, instruments, models and forms of financing. Strategic issues for the sector will be addressed and discussed, covering at least two dimensions: (i) national and international experiences, discussing best practices and lessons learned in resource mobilization and operationalization, considering recent PPPs, concessions, performance contracts, privatization processes, etc., and the innovations, progress, lessons learned, and main difficulties encountered; and (ii) the instruments and mechanisms used to leverage investments, ensure credit, and/or avoid or mitigate contractual, political, fiscal, exchange rate, and monetary, economic-financial, regulatory and operational risks, which have compromised the feasibility of implementing and operating projects. In both dimensions, the roles of national or multilateral financing agents (World Bank, IDB, CAF, JICA, NDB, BNDES, CEF and private banks, among others), public actors and private participation, recent movements of international investment funds and also regulators, planners, managers and service providers will be highlighted, providing a clear and broad view of the various options and alternatives for the desired leap in investments required for the universalization and improvement of efficiency in the provision of water supply, sanitation, stormwater management, and solid waste management services.


Session 8.1 - Adaptation Measures to Reduce the Impact of Hydrological Extremes

Theme 8 – Environment climate change and water security

Os desafios para a efetiva universalização dos serviços de saneamento em áreas de baixa renda sob o olhar do ODS 6 e do Marco Regulatório de Saneamento


Adaptation measures are fundamental elements for reducing the impact on people and the economy during the occurrence of extreme hydrological events, especially droughts. This session should discuss topics such as the importance of expanding supply with the implementation of new infrastructure, redundant structures, the use of groundwater, conflict management, rational water use and contingency plans. Examples such as the drought that affected the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo in 2014/2015, South Africa at the same time, and some regions of the United States will be highlighted. The idea is to focus on the solutions adopted as adaptation measures in order to bring the greatest benefit with the lowest risk to populations.

  • Alexandre Bianchini, Presidente da Águas do Rio
  • Jean-Martin Brault, Especialista Sênior em Saneamento do Banco Mundial
  • Marcello Xavier Veiga, Superintendente de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento da Diretoria Metropolitana da Sabesp

Coordenador e moderador: Ernani Ciriaco de Miranda, coordenador de Água e Esgoto da Superintendência de Regulação em Serviços da ANA – Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico

Facilitadora: Keyla Nunes da Silva – Analista de Infraestrutura da Coordenação-Geral de Projetos de Água e Esgoto da Secretaria Nacional de Saneamento – SNS/MDR


BWW Connection


Session 2.2 - Beyond conventional: advanced technologies and circular economy in sewage treatment

Theme 2 – Sewage Treatment – Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Plants


We will address the use of cutting-edge technologies to achieve the quality of the final effluent from sewage treatment plants, evaluating the increased benefits and seeking alternatives that require less energy and chemical consumption, ensuring more significant environmental results. The expansion and operation of treatment plants, bringing concepts of optimization and intensification/optimization of processes, incorporation of circular economy and technologies aimed at greater sustainability of processes will demand significant investments and professional training, in addition to society’s awareness. Technological evolution for sewage treatment has been significant in recent years, through more information, technologies and technical training of professionals. We will discuss sewage treatment technologies and the choices of the best alternatives, based on each specificity. Approach of technologies already tested by operational areas, seeking operational process safety. It is essential to assess the need for small sewage treatment plants, considering the new challenges presented by the Legal Framework for sanitation.


BWW Connection


Session 3.2 - Strategic solid waste management: paths to efficiency and sustainability

Theme 3 – Circular Economy and Nature-Based Solutions


In this session, relevant issues for the current challenge of Integrated Solid Waste Management will be addressed, as we currently experience them: changes in Legislation in Brazil regarding Basic Sanitation affect all areas of the Sector, especially regarding Solid Waste Management; many challenges still need to be faced, among them: a) eradication of open dumps (in perpetual deadline extensions); b) implementation of selective collection systems; c) effective discussion of reverse logistics models; and d) Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and Investments. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect on and exchange experiences that have been adopted, both in Brazil and internationally. This can promote strategies to fill gaps still existing with those previously described, and thus achieve what all society needs: the universalization of services with adequate efficiency.


BWW Connection


Session 4.2 - Sanitation Regulation: Transition from Discretionary to Contractual Regulation and its Relationship with Service Delivery Models

Theme 4 – Regulation


The session will explore the pathways of regulation in the sanitation sector, focusing especially on the evolution from discretionary regulation to contractual regulation. With the recent panorama of legislative changes and the growing emphasis on service efficiency and quality, the transition to contractual regulation has become a reality, but it still generates discussions about the transition process and the reduction of flexibility found in discretionary regulation.


During the session, we will explore the fundamentals of discretionary regulation, its strengths and limitations, and how this approach is making way for a contractual model. Additionally, the session will present the interaction between regulatory models and different service delivery systems: how contractual regulation relates to concession models, public-private partnerships (PPPs), and other arrangements, and how these interactions shape sanitation service delivery in different contexts.


Throughout the session, practical cases of privatization experiences worldwide and the challenges faced in different regions will be presented. This will provide participants with a comprehensive view of the complexities involved in sanitation regulation and allow for the exchange of insights and best practices among sector experts and professionals. This session will be an enriching opportunity for all involved, bringing together experts, regulators, sector professionals and other stakeholders for an enlightening discussion on the future of sanitation regulation and its relationship with service delivery models.


Session 1.2 - Leveraging the future: models and financing for effective rural sanitation

Theme 1 – Social inclusion and universal access

Os desafios para a efetiva universalização dos serviços de saneamento em áreas de baixa renda sob o olhar do ODS 6 e do Marco Regulatório de Saneamento


This session highlights the importance of discussing and implementing innovative models and effective public policies focused on rural sanitation financing. “Leveraging the Future” suggests a proactive and visionary approach, seeking solutions that not only meet current needs but also ensure long-term sustainability and effectiveness. The title emphasizes the need for a deep analysis of what truly works in the context of rural sanitation, encouraging a conversation about best practices, innovative financing models and the interaction between public policies and private initiatives to transform the reality of sanitation in rural areas.

  • Alexandre Bianchini, Presidente da Águas do Rio
  • Jean-Martin Brault, Especialista Sênior em Saneamento do Banco Mundial
  • Marcello Xavier Veiga, Superintendente de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento da Diretoria Metropolitana da Sabesp

Coordenador e moderador: Ernani Ciriaco de Miranda, coordenador de Água e Esgoto da Superintendência de Regulação em Serviços da ANA – Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico

Facilitadora: Keyla Nunes da Silva – Analista de Infraestrutura da Coordenação-Geral de Projetos de Água e Esgoto da Secretaria Nacional de Saneamento – SNS/MDR


BWW Connection


Session 6.2 - Networking - The International Agenda of the Water Sector

Theme 6 – International cooperation


The water sector demonstrates remarkable dynamism in its international articulation, marked by an intense agenda of events. It is necessary to connect and interrelate these events so that they benefit from each other’s results, enhancing the derived benefits and creating movements of synergy in their agendas. The session will discuss the water sector agenda, aiming to bring together technicians and leaders of associations. It will feature the participation of AIDIS in the discussion of the agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean, with a focus on the Inter-American Congress of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering in Lima, Peru, in November 2024, and the structuring of the Latin American Water Forum and Council. At the global level, the results of the World Water Forum in Bali, COP 30, in Belém in 2025, and the preparation process for the IWA World Congress in Brazil in 2030 will be discussed, as well as the congresses in Toronto in 2024, Glasgow in 2026, and Malaysia in 2028.


BWW Connection


Session 5.2 - Innovations and best practices for managing operational efficiency

Theme 5 – Efficient management


This session addresses issues relating to best management practices and innovations in the sector, seeking to improve the operational efficiency of water distribution systems and reduce costs. Furthermore, the solutions adopted must promote improved service to residential, commercial and industrial consumers, bringing positive impacts to the environment, reducing water extraction and preserving our water resources. In this context, economic aspects are very important, so that the application of resources in new technologies can provide the expected gains, in a sustainable way.


BWW Connection


Session 8.2 - The Use of Desalination in Urban Water Supply

Theme 8 – Environment climate change and water security


Technological advancements allow for production of desalinated water at competitive costs. Large desalination plants are being implemented in several countries with operational success and reasonable costs. Countries like Israel, Spain and Saudi Arabia, among many others, have used desalination on a large scale. Many coastal areas in Brazil can benefit from this technology, as evidenced by the implementation of a desalination plant for supplying in Fortaleza. This can be a viable solution for coastal areas with low water availability, either due to drought or small producing basins, as is the case with the São Paulo coast.


Session 2.3 - Sustainable sewage treatment plants: innovative models for the future of sanitation

Theme 2 – Sewage Treatment – Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Plants

Os desafios para a efetiva universalização dos serviços de saneamento em áreas de baixa renda sob o olhar do ODS 6 e do Marco Regulatório de Saneamento


In this panel, we will strongly address the concepts of Sustainable Sewage Treatment Plants, through the implementation of practices, routines and technologies, allowing the full achievement of results, utilization of residues from the treatment process, where the Circular Economy will have a central role, from efficient consumption of inputs, through sludge processing, biogas energy use and production of reused water. Sustainable Sewage Treatment Plants aim at resource optimization, generating benefits for the environment and society, reducing potential environmental impacts and enhancing process performance. We will present stations that are already designed and operated with the effective transition from Linear Economy to Circular Economy. With sewage as the main raw material for the production of reused water, whether for industrial use, irrigation or other purposes, biogas energy use, with energy generation or vehicle supply, thus reducing the carbon footprint. Minimizing waste generation with sludge processing for use in agriculture. Sustainable Sewage Treatment Plants reinforce the cultural change in the way sewage treatment is thought of, with station operations as true factories for processing by-products from the treatment process.

  • Alexandre Bianchini, Presidente da Águas do Rio
  • Jean-Martin Brault, Especialista Sênior em Saneamento do Banco Mundial
  • Marcello Xavier Veiga, Superintendente de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento da Diretoria Metropolitana da Sabesp

Coordenador e moderador: Ernani Ciriaco de Miranda, coordenador de Água e Esgoto da Superintendência de Regulação em Serviços da ANA – Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico

Facilitadora: Keyla Nunes da Silva – Analista de Infraestrutura da Coordenação-Geral de Projetos de Água e Esgoto da Secretaria Nacional de Saneamento – SNS/MDR


BWW Connection


Session 3.3 - Future Waters: Revitalizing Resources with Nature-Based Solutions for Water Security

Theme 3 – Circular Economy and Nature-Based Solutions


This title will reflect on NBSs and their direct relationship as a strategy to complement practical actions and guidelines for promoting Water Security. In this context, it is necessary to understand their concepts and regional adaptabilities, as well as successful experiences.


It is increasingly understood that alternative solutions for maintaining water resources are fundamental, and having inspired alternatives supported by nature has been presented as more economical and providers of environmental, social and economic benefits, as well as being drivers of resilience. Such solutions are being practiced through systemic and resource-efficient interventions with significant potential for local adaptability.


Therefore, evaluating the appropriate experiences, advancements and challenges in the implementation of these solutions is necessary so that we can promote their feasibility and truly bring about the benefits they propose.


BWW Connection


Session 8.3 - Monitoring and Prediction Systems for Critical Events

Theme 8 – Environment climate change and water security


There is often a need for better information systems to alert populations and managers about the imminent occurrence of disasters. There is great potential for the development of tools that effectively utilize measurement, prediction and alert technologies. Both for drought and flood situations there is the possibility of implementing alert systems that can assist in the implementation of contingency plans. Systems should be developed to monitor and track the evolution of risk situations, but it is also essential that risk communication to populations be strongly developed.


BWW Connection


Session 5.2 - Innovations and best practices for managing operational efficiency

Theme 5 – Efficient management


This session addresses issues relating to best management practices and innovations in the sector, seeking to improve the operational efficiency of water distribution systems and reduce costs. Furthermore, the solutions adopted must promote improved service to residential, commercial and industrial consumers, bringing positive impacts to the environment, reducing water extraction and preserving our water resources. In this context, economic aspects are very important, so that the application of resources in new technologies can provide the expected gains, in a sustainable way.

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