Confirmed speakers

Stephen Foster

Stephen Foster has British chartered status as an Environmental Engineer and Applied Geologist, with major international experience in groundwater assessment and management, and is a Visiting Professor at University College London. Senior posts held include : World Health Organisation-Groundwater Advisor for Latin American & Caribbean(1985-89), British Geological Survey-Divisional Director (1990-99), World Bank-Groundwater Management Team Director (2001-12), International Association of Hydrogeologists President (2004-08), Global Water Partnership-Senior Adviser (2012-15) and International Water Association-Chair Groundwater Management Group (2018-22). Stephen received a DSc in 1983 for published work and also 9 various professional awards including : Institution of Water & Environmental Management-Whitaker Medal (1975), International Association of Hydrogeologists-Presidents Award (2004) and Geological Society of London-William Smith Medal (2006).


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