Sandy tem um B.A. (bacharelado) da Universidade de Washington e Ph.D. (doutorado) em Economia pela Universidade de Yale. Atuou como Diretor do Centro de Pesquisa de Utilidade Pública de 1980 a 2004, publicando dois livros e mais de cem artigos sobre infraestrutura, incluindo incentivos regulatórios, qualidade de serviço e preços. Como codiretor do Programa de Treinamento Internacional da PURC/Banco Mundial em Regulação e Estratégia de Utilidades, treinou mais de 3.500 reguladores e gerentes de 153 nações. Ele é coautor de Natural Monopoly Regulation: Principles and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 1988)). Além disso, é autor de Water Utility Benchmarking: Measurement, Methodologies, and Performance Incentives (International Water Association Publishing, 2010) e Best Practices in Regulating State and Municipal Water Utilities (2013, para a Comissão Econômica da ONU para a América Latina e o Caribe). Ajudou a desenvolver o Body of Knowledge for Infrastructure Regulation, financiado pelo PPIAF, em Sandy liderou programas de treinamento em mais de vinte países, incluindo quatro programas diferentes no Brasil.
Sandy has a B.A. from the University of Washington and a Ph.D. in Economics from Yale University. He served as Director of the Public Utility Research Center from 1980 to 2004, publishing two books and over one-hundred articles on infrastructure, including regulatory incentives, service quality, and pricing. As Co-Director of the PURC/World Bank International Training Program on Utility Regulation and Strategy, he has trained over 3,500 regulators and managers from 153 nations. He is co-author of Natural Monopoly Regulation: Principles and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 1988)). Also, he authored Water Utility Benchmarking: Measurement, Methodologies, and Performance Incentives (International Water Association Publishing, 2010) and Best Practices in Regulating State-Owned and Municipal Water Utilities (2013, for the UN’s Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean). In addition, he helped develop the PPIAF-funded Body of Knowledge for Infrastructure Regulation at . Sandy has led training programs in over twenty countries, including four different programs in Brazil.