Confirmed speakers

Marisa Guimarães

Civil engineer, graduated in 1979 from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Paraná, with postgraduate studies in Sanitation and Water Resources from the University of São Paulo and specialization in administration – CEAG, from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. She worked at Sabesp for 31 years, holding various managerial positions. Throughout her professional career at Sabesp, she worked in the areas of Regulatory Affairs, advising the Regional Systems Directorate, in the area of investor information of the Financial Directorate, in sewage operations in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, technological development, and in sewage projects in the Tietê Project. She held the position of Sanitation Coordinator at the Secretary of Sanitation and Energy of the State of São Paulo, from 2008/2011, being responsible for the elaboration and development of 116 Municipal Sanitation Plans in the State of São Paulo (water, sewage, solid waste, and urban drainage) and for the assembly and contracting of international financing with the World Bank for the Paulista Waters Recovery Program – REÁGUA, which aims to recover waters through actions of sewage collection and treatment, rational use and reuse of water, and loss control. She is a member of the Executive Board of the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, São Paulo Section – ABES SP and is the Coordinator of the National Thematic Chamber of Regulation and Tariffs of ABES. Currently, she is a member of the Basic Sanitation Guidance Council – COSB, of the Energy and Sanitation Regulatory Agency of the State of São Paulo – ARSESP.


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