Palestrantes confirmados

Malva Baskovich

Senior Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) Specialist in the World Bank’s Water Global Practice for the Latin America and the Caribbean region. Based in Lima, Malva contributes to the knowledge and lending portfolio in the region, including projects with the health sector. She is a regional focal point for issues related to Rural WSS, hand hygiene and cross-cutting work between the water and health sectors. Malva experience of 15+ years at the World Bank includes cross-cutting work with the disaster risk management team on WSS and hygiene in schools in Peru. Currently, she is participating in projects in Peru, Chile, and Brazil, in this last case, by contributing with the Smart Water technical assistance project addressed to the WSS utility COMPESA in the Metropolitan Recife Region, which has recently completed.

Professional with 25+ years of experience working in international cooperation agencies, governmental institutions, and private sector organizations, with focus on promoting private sector participation in the social development field, through innovative programs to deliver solutions to poor population on topics such as: microfinance and social entrepreneurship, property formalization, sanitation and hygiene, health and nutrition; and resettlement of populations affected by mining operations as well.

Malva holds an MBA and a diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility from the Universidad del Pacifico, a bachelor’s degree in social communication from the Universidad de Lima, and a specialization in Marketing for Behavioral Impact from the New York University. She has also held research and teaching positions in prestigious universities in Peru for more than ten years.