Engenheira Civil, graduada pela Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBa, em 2003. De maio/2003 a outubro/2012, atuou como engenheira civil na empresa GEOHIDRO Consultoria S/S Ltda, com licitações e projetos na área de saneamento. De novembro/2012 a outubro/2019, atuou como Analista de Infraestrutura no Departamento de Financiamento de Projetos de Saneamento – DFIN, da Secretaria Nacional de Saneamento Ambiental – SNSA, do Ministério das Cidades. Atualmente, compõe a equipe do Departamento de Repasse a Projetos – DRP, da Secretaria Nacional de Saneamento – SNS, do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Regional.
She is a Civil Engineer, graduated from the Federal University of Bahia – UFBa, in 2003. From May/2003 to October/2012, she worked as a civil engineer at the company GEOHIDRO Consultoria S/S Ltda, with bids and projects in the sanitation area. From November/2012 to October/2019, she worked as an Infrastructure Analyst at the Department of Financing of Sanitation Projects – DFIN, of the National Secretariat of Environmental Sanitation – SNSA, of the Ministry of Cities. Currently, she is part of the team of the Department of Transfer to Projects – DRP, of the National Sanitation Department – SNS, of the Ministry of Regional Development.