Confirmed speakers

Josivan Cardoso Moreno

He holds a degree in Environmental Control Technology from the Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio Grande do Norte (2003) and a Master’s in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2005). He is currently pursuing a postgraduate degree in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and Concessions at the São Paulo School of Sociology and Politics Foundation (FESPSP). Currently, he is the Manager of the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of Rio de Janeiro (CREA-RJ). He has served as a Consultant for the SP Ambiental Consortium/Secretariat of Environment, Infrastructure, and Logistics of the State of São Paulo (SEMIL). He is a Counselor of the Superior Regulation Council of AGESAN-RS. He has been the Institutional Relations Assistant of the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (ABES), the National Director of the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering for the Northeast Region, and provides consultancy in the preparation, planning, and execution of plans, programs, and projects in the areas of water resources and sanitary and environmental engineering. He has also been the Strategic Planning Director of Veritas Environmental Engineering and President of the Urban Services Company of Natal (URBANA). He was the President of the Water Management Institute of the State of Rio Grande do Norte (IGARN) and President of the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering for the RN Section. He was also the coordinator of the National Forum of Water Resources Management Organizations (FNOGA) and is currently the coordinator of the Water Resources Thematic Chamber of ABES Nacional. He has experience in the field of Sanitary Engineering, with an emphasis on Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. He has worked as the Director of Planning and Environmental Management at the Urban Services Company of Natal (URBANA); Consultant for the State Secretariat of Environment and Water Resources (SEMARH), serving as the State Coordinator of the Água Doce Program; Coordinated the development of the State Action Program to Combat Desertification and Mitigation of the Effects of Drought in Rio Grande do Norte and was the Environmental Coordinator of the Semi-Arid Coexistence Program (PSP), under a loan agreement with the World Bank. He has also been a consultant for the State Secretariat of Planning and Finance (SEPLAN-RN), where he worked as the Coordinator of the Socio-Environmental Impact Study of the RN Sustainable Project, under a loan agreement with the World Bank. He managed the Environmental Education Sector of the Municipality of Natal; worked as a substitute professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN); instructor and coordinator of Environmental Education Courses, Mobilization for Participatory Processes; Technical Advisory in Environment for Municipal, State, and Federal Institutions; Coordination of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Projects; and organization and participation in lectures, social actions, congresses, seminars, forums, workshops, and conferences on topics related to the Environment.

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