Confirmed speakers

Gustavo Saltiel

Gustavo Saltiel is the Global Lead for Water Supply and Sanitation of the Water Global Practice at the World
Bank. As such, he leads global knowledge activities and operational advice to World Bank teams across countries and regions, including on the “Water Security and Climate Adaptation Global Challenge Program”. He also coordinates global work on water and wastewater utilities, policies, institutions and regulation, digitalization, circular economy, “new water” and urban water security. He joined the World Bank in 2003 as Senior Water Engineer in the Latin America Region, he was then appointed as Sector Leader for Sustainable Development in Mexico, Program Manager of International Waters in the Africa Region, and Lead Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist for Latin America based in Lima, Peru. Before joining the World Bank, he held Senior level positions in Argentina, including as CEO of the utility Aguas Bonaerenses (service area: three million people); Head of Planning and Regulatory Affairs of the private concessionaire Azurix; Environmental Manager of the Reconquista River Basin Unit; and Manager of Assets and Quality of Service
at the Buenos Aires Water and Wastewater Services Regulatory Agency. Mr. Saltiel is a Civil and Sanitary Engineer (University of Buenos Aires) and Master of Public Policy (University of San Andres, Argentina). He
has been a Fulbright Fellow at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA) and Swedish Government Fellow at the University of Lund.


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