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Apollo C. Tiglao

Eng. Apollo C. Tiglao é Vice-Presidente Assistente Sênior da Divisão de Gerenciamento de Águas Residuais da Maynilad Water Services, Inc. (Maynilad). Atualmente, atua como conselho de administração da Philippine Hydro, Inc., uma empresa subsidiária da Maynilad. Eng. A Tiglao traz duas décadas de experiência no setor de serviços públicos de água. Em 2017, foi designado como representante-chefe do escritório subsidiário da Maynilad em Jacarta, Indonésia, para liderar a expansão dos negócios fora das Filipinas. Tiglao é o atual presidente do conselho de administração da Subic Water and Sewerage Co., Inc. (Subicwater). Antes de se juntar à equipe Subicwater,. Tiglao fazia parte da Área de Negócios de Operações da Maynilad. De lá, mudou-se para Subicwater, onde atuou como Presidente e CEO por três anos (2013 – 2016). Foi eleito presidente do Conselho da Subicwater de 2017 até hoje.

Engr. Apollo C. Tiglao is the Senior Assistant Vice President of the Wastewater Management Division of Maynilad Water Services, Inc. (Maynilad). He currently serves as board of director in Philippine Hydro, Inc., a subsidiary company of Maynilad. Engr. Tiglao brings two decades worth of experience in the water utilities industry. In 2017, he was assigned as the Chief Representative of Maynilad’s subsidiary office in Jakarta, Indonesia to lead the expansion of the business outside of the Philippines.
Engr. Tiglao is the current Chairman of the board of directors of Subic Water and Sewerage Co., Inc. (Subicwater). Prior to his joining the Subicwater team, Engr. Tiglao was part of the Business Area Operations of Maynilad. From there he moved to Subicwater where he served as President and CEO for three years (2013 – 2016). He was elected as Chairman of the board of Subicwater from 2017 to date.
In 2015, he was nominated as a finalist to the Asian CEO Young Leader of the Year Award, for his achievements in Subicwater.