Confirmed speakers

Murilo Ferreira Sant’Anna

Responsible for the Management of Awareness and Communication of the Intermunicipal Consortium of the Piracicaba, Capivari, and Jundiaí River Basins (PCJ Consortium), Murilo develops, alongside the Executive Secretariat of the institution, the strategies for institutional dissemination and articulates the entity’s relationship with public, private, and community sectors, in addition to being responsible for the Institutional Cooperation Program, which allows for the exchange of experiences in water resources and environmental management with international institutions in the area, such as the World Water Council, the Networks of Basin Organizations International, Latin American, and Brazil (RIOB, RELOB, and REBOB), UNESCO, and the United Nations (UN). Graduated in Social Communication, with a specialization in Journalism, Murilo uses this knowledge to assist the Environmental Education and Awareness Program in developing training, “educommunication” products, and contributing to social engagement projects, such as Gota d’água, which trains 150 thousand people per year (formal and non-formal audience) and the Sustainable House, a construction at the PCJ Consortium headquarters, aimed at raising community awareness about the rational consumption of water and electricity. These activities allow him to transform his journalism knowledge into an educational tool.
From 2008 to 2009, he worked as a journalist in small press vehicles in the Campinas (SP) region, such as Jornal Integração, Espaço Comercial, and Tribuna Liberal, the last two in the city of Sumaré (SP). Murilo also worked in Information Technology, when he worked at Sonda Procwork, providing help-desk service to IBM in Hortolândia (SP), in 2007/08, and also acted as a research agent contracted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), at the Sumaré agency, from 2005 to 2007.
These experiences allowed the professional to develop skills in inter-relating with different audiences, the ability to work in a team, and exchange experiences, which formed the basis of his foundation as a Journalist/Communicator, who today, after more than 13 years working at the PCJ Consortium, also qualifies him as an educator in raising community awareness about environmental issues and the importance of water resources management for building a sustainable future and social justice.


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