Marcelo Miki
Engineer of the Departament for the Implementation of Research, Projects Development and Innovation at Sabesp and mamber of ABES Sewage Treatment Thematic Chamber
Engineer of the Departament for the Implementation of Research, Projects Development and Innovation at Sabesp and mamber of ABES Sewage Treatment Thematic Chamber
Executive Secretary at Eastern and Southern Africa Water and Sanitation Regulators Association – Zambia
Chairman of the Board of Directors – Lis-Water – Portugal
Specialist in Economic Affairs at SUNASS | Stakeholder Relations – Peru
CEO Idrica/Águas de Valência – Espanha
Líder da Setorial de Saneamento – Infra Women Brazil
Diretor Financeiro Sênior Banco Mundial
Diretor de Engenharia e Obras no DAEE – São Paulo
Especialista em Água e Saneamento no Grupo Banco Mundial
Escola Politécnica da Universidade